Four Elements of A Rich, Transforming Quiet Time

Four Elements of A Rich, Transforming Quiet Time

In my experience, a good, solid, practical, profitable, God-honoring quiet time has at least four main elements:

Transforming Worship

Transparent Confession

Totally Committed Reading of the Word

Tenacious Intercession

Let’s look at these one at a time.

Transforming Worship

I start my quiet time with worship, a focus on God and His marvelous character, giving Him praise and glory and honor for who He is without focusing primarily on how that benefits me. Using the Psalms is helpful, as His wonderful characteristics are revealed there consistently.

Such worship brings us into the light of His presence and transforms us. We may not see or notice this, but it happens in His presence. As 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” ESV

Transparent Confession

Standing in His presence gives the Holy Spirit opportunity to point out unnoticed and unconfessed sin, often from the last few hours: a negative attitude, impatience, a harsh word spoken, a selfish motive, a lustful thought. We can and must be totally transparent in confession, knowing that God is “good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.” (Psalm 86:5, KJV)  And also knowing that He already knows each sin, so we have nothing to hide. Such confession brings a greater filling of the Spirit, more joy and more effectiveness for Him.

Totally Committed Reading of the Word

Then comes delving into the Word, with a total commitment to be open to the Spirit’s leadership. As we read, He will point out to us areas where we have not yet aligned our will with His. This should result in a continuing world-view shift in our lives, bringing us more and more into the light, love and joy He has for us.

Tenacious Intercession

Praying for others should flow out of this time with God, a desire for others to experience what God is doing in our lives. We can pray for our family, our church, our believing friends, our unbelieving friends, the spread of the gospel and the growth of the church worldwide. Perhaps not all every day, but a cycle of working through these prayer responsibilities we have been given.

If we are praying in line with Scripture for the great, wide, high and deep desires of God, some answers may be years in coming. Therefore we need to be tenacious, persistent, committed to pray until God says, “Yes,” or “No,” or “Enough.” An example of how important this persistence is can be seen in my father’s coming to Christ. I started praying for his salvation when I was 6 and he came to Christ 52 years later. My siblings also were praying for him during those years. Persistence pays off when we are following God’s leading.

So, walk further into the light, higher into the Kingdom, closer with Jesus by including these in your quiet time:

Transforming Worship

Transparent Confession

Totally Committed Reading of the Word

Tenacious Intercession