Effective: Learning to Lead Yourself Well: 7 Qualties That Make You Effective and How to Cultivate Them

There’s lots of literature on leading others, but it all starts with leading yourself. This book will help you lead yourself well spiritually, intellectually, volitionally, emotionally, financially and socially using 2 Peter 1:5-7 as a template. The outcome will be equipped to lead effectively others one-on-one,in small groups and organizationally.   This book is published… Read more »

Equipped! 12 Empowering Truths and How To Use Them

Help for those who want to live wholeheartedly for Jesus. Spiritual warfare is an every day reality for followers of the Lord Jesus. It is “situation normal” for Christians. This warfare is the ongoing struggle between Satan’s kingdom of oppression and Jesus’ Kingdom of Light. Satan is a defeated foe, much less powerful than God,… Read more »

Edified! Cover

Edified! 365 Devotions to stimulate personal worship and spark inner transformation

S.M. Wibberley’s latest book offers 365 daily devotions taken from the author’s daily walk. Insights from suffering for the Lord, daily worship and usual and unusual events shed light on how God is present even in the smallest things. Read and be edified in your daily walk with the Lord.

Canterbury CT Characters Cover

Canterbury, Connecticut Characters of the 20th Century

60 people who affected their home town and the world.   An interesting look at life in the 20th century, these brief biographies of over 60 residents of the little New England town of Canterbury Connecticut include some remarkable people, such as the maker of world famous fly fishing rods, inventor of the weed wacker,… Read more »

Pass-It-On Parenting Cover

Pass-It-On Parenting: 6 Powerful Principles to Help Your Child Embrace Your Faith

Practical help as to how to raise children who follow the Christian faith. It is based on practices the author himself used with his sons.   This book is published by Createspace and available on

Befähigt: Schritte zu einem Leben voller Freude

Lebenshilfe für Menschen die mit ganzem Herzen Jesus Christus nachfolgen wollen.   Dieses Buch begleitet Dave aus dem Trott eines langweiligen und eintönigen Christsein hin zu eim erfüllten Leben mit Jesus Christus unter dem Motto: “Wer Jesus kennt, hat immer Grund sich zu freuen!” und “Ausgerüstet für den täglichen geistlichen Kampf.” Dieses Buch führt den… Read more »

The Builder

Joseph: the Forgotten Leading Man   Joseph the son of Jacob is one of the forgotten characters of the Bible. He fades into the background of the manger scenes, eclipsed by the brightness of his wife and her Son. Yet, he is a fascinating man who sacrificed much for the coming of the Messiah.  … Read more »