Help for those who want to live wholeheartedly for Jesus.
Spiritual warfare is an every day reality for followers of the Lord Jesus. It is “situation normal” for Christians. This warfare is the ongoing struggle between Satan’s kingdom of oppression and Jesus’ Kingdom of Light. Satan is a defeated foe, much less powerful than God, but God in His wisdom allows Satan to attack us in certain areas. He has specific reasons for this, such as testing our faith, deepening our obedience, maturing our witness and transforming our thinking. God has given us all we need to stand in our daily battle. Useful for personal spiritual growth, discipleship and member care, Knowing Jesus Is Enough for Joy, Period! is a practical guide to everyday spiritual warfare, containing biblical lessons learned during 30 years of ministry in a difficult context. Chapters cover, among many other topics, the use of the armor of God (Eph 6:10-18), four types of faith, confessing in layers, transformation through personal worship, lifting your soul to God via journaling, discerning motives, nurturing your first love for Jesus and mediation on Scripture. It is both biblical and very practical with lots of real life illustrations.
This book is also available in German under the title Befähigt: Schritte zu einem Leben voller Freude.
All proceeds from purchasing this book go to support the planting of churches among the least reached and unengaged.
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