Meditations on Psalm 19 Part 3

Meditations on Psalm 19 Part 3

<Read part 2

Psa 19:12  “Who can discern his errors?” [For me, my inner being is to a large part inscrutable, opaque, below the conscious. In there I unknowingly sin with wrong motives, wrong attitudes, wrong desires, wrong emotionally-based, deeply ingrained responses. These errors are from my flesh, from the inherited residue of sin from past generations, from the subtle working of the devil, from input from the world. It is there—but its penalty has been paid in Christ’s death and resurrection, praise be to you, so we can pray:

“Forgive my hidden faults.” And know that we are forgiven. I praise you that you are slowly increasing the depth of understanding in this area, showing me more and more of my hidden faults that I may knowing confess, reject and obey you in these areas. Praise you for your persistent, patient and powerful work in my life.]

Psa 19:13  “Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.” [This is where I am fully responsible and where I very much need your grace, your help and guidance, Lord Jesus, my great Shepherd. Praise you for the continual upward progress of your transformational work that I see daily within and without: the warning, conviction, insight, motivating and protection, help of the Holy Spirit in giving a biblical response to pressures that push towards personal sin. You are making supernatural responses more natural for me. You are persistently, lovingly at work; you are my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer, my Shield, my Strength, my Stronghold. In you alone is the needed help in the battle with sin, self and Satan, with you alone is there hope, power and victory.]

“Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.” [Only in you, Lord, only in you is there hope of being blameless, without reproach, innocent of great sin. Praise be to you for your unwarranted desire to help, your unreasonable love, you undeserved grace. You are marvelous in your Might, great in your Grace and wonderful in your Wisdom as you usher us farther up and further into the freedom, growth and grace of your Kingdom. Glory be to you.]

Psa 19:14  “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,” [Yes, Lord, may both my inner and outer man please you, for out of the heart flow the words of my mouth. Yes, Lord, bring this continual transformation. Help me to think your thoughts, meditate on your Word, respond with your wisdom, speak your Truth. And may you be greatly pleased with the obedience growing in my being, the result of your good work.]
“O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” [You are my LORD, that is, Yahweh, Jehovah, the Holy God, pure and sinless, separate and other, who hates and will judge all sin, while somehow you love sinners and provide a way of escape for us. You are the God of wondrous qualities, of gracious goodness, of seeming paradox, able to join together what looks contradictory from our limited perspective.

As my Rock you are the stability of my life, the source of rest, of shade, of protection, of hope–in you I can take refuge.

You are my Redeemer, the purchaser of junk so you can turn it into treasure. You are the One who wanted each person in the world to come to you, to believe, to become your child, dearly loved, deeply cared for, doted on, doubly cherished and delighted in. You, the great Savior brought us out into a spacious place, before your throne, before your face, before the hosts of heaven and there you delight in us, your unfinished and cherished children.

Praise be to you for your crazy love, you wild wisdom, your glorious grace. You are worthy of our worship today and through all eternity. I bow before you, O King of the universe, Lord of time, Ruler of all creation. To you be honor, glory, praise and exaltation in my life today. Amen.]