Psalm 16:6,7

Psalm 16:6,7

<Read earlier entry on Psalm 16

Psa 16:6  “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;” [Where you have placed us, Lord, is more than pleasant, it is amazing: we are within the Kingdom of Light, under the Lordship of the Great Shepherd, within the Family of God, on the narrow way to Heaven, in the company of the saints, equipped and assigned to a specific area of service to you, my beloved King. This is a wonder, a joy, a pleasure, an ever increasing realization of the undeserved, unearned privilege of walking on the pathway of the Creator of all, the Ruler of all, the Restorer of all.  In my opinion, “pleasant” is far too mild a word for this state of ever-growing joy!]

“surely I have a delightful inheritance.” [Out of your glorious riches you have prepared a rich inheritance for your undeserving children. You have blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph 1:3)—every possible spiritual blessing will be ours; as you are infinite and all-powerful, Lord, so these blessings will be unending, uncountable, unquenchable. These will include a sinless life, total security and significance, sweet fellowship with all, ever increasing joy, and living in the light of your presence.

In addition, you have made us fellow-heirs with Jesus, meaning that whatever He inherits, we will get also! As we suffer with Him here, we will participate in His inheritance there. This will include an infinite future, an unending walk with you, an unlimited growth in knowledge of your being, fulfilling, positive challenges of service for you, and rich, uninterrupted fellowship with all other beings in Heaven. It will include living in your glory: “When Christ, who is our life, appears, then we also will appear with him in glory.” (Col 3:4)  It will include mostly and most importantly the ability to gaze uninterruptedly on your face, being in the full presence of the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ruler of all, the Holy, Pure, Powerful, Wise and Good God of all.  That will be far more wonderful than we can imagine!]

Psa 16:7  “I will praise the LORD,” [Yes, I will whole-heartedly, with every part of my being, praise such a wonderful Lord who is worthy beyond all measure all the worship I can give!]

“who counsels me;” [You are the God who reaches into my life moment by moment, you speak to me through your Word, through your Spirit, through counsel, through realizations and understanding of circumstances.  I can turn to you for wisdom and know for sure that you will give it. I am ever with you, you ever helping, protecting and  guiding me.]
“even at night my heart instructs me.” [As I wait for sleep and meditate on your Word, you teach me new things, reinforce old truths, reveal insights, bring transformation. Even in my dreams  (not knowing they are dreams) you speak to me as Scripture comes to mind. Sometimes, without realizing I am in a dream, I face life-threatening circumstances and can respond with praise and trust, hearing the leading of your Spirit.]

Praise you, Lord,  that as I go into this day, it is certain that you will be there, keeping me within the pleasant boundries, blessing me with your presence, giving me new vision to understand what is good and what is not.  I praise you for your great goodness, your abundant love, your ever-flowing grace, your endless kindness. To you l lift my voice of praise, to you I give my life anew. Glorify yourself today in all that will come, that those around may see your greatness and bow before you, too.

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