Victim, Victor or Vector? Part 3

Victim, Victor or Vector? Part 3


God intervened to help Joseph make the leap from victor to vector by leading him into the next level of learning. As Joseph was unjustly thrown into prison, he began the transition to becoming one who points others to God.  First Joseph implemented what he had previously learned and refused to revert to being a victim. He was still pleasant, responsible, hardworking and thoughtful.  Who else in such a situation would be concerned for the happiness of his fellow prisoners?

Second, he was beginning to see that God was the One who deserved the credit for what occurred, not Joseph. In offering help to others Joseph began to be a vector, pointing to God rather than himself.  Listen to his words.  Joseph said to his two fellow prisoners, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”  (Gen 40:8)  Joseph was giving God glory for what He could do, not Joseph.

A vector’s life is defined by his relationship to God.  His purpose in life is to glorify God, pointing to Him in all events.  By the time Joseph was called from prison to stand before Pharaoh, the transition from victor to vector was complete.  Listen to his reply to Pharaoh’s request that Joseph interpret his dreams.

Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream, and no one can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.”

“I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.” (Gen 41:15,16)

The result was not only interpretation of the dream, but Joseph becoming Prime Minister of Egypt, thereby saving the Egyptians, his family and ultimately you and me through preserving the line of Christ.  That’s the power of being a vector!

So, we can each choose in every situation.  Will we be a victim, letting our suffering define us, living in the pit of complaining? Or a victor, letting our achievements define us as we live in unappreciated help from God? Or step up to a much higher calling and be a vector, letting our relationship to the living, Creator God define us?

One key step we can each take in this process is to get to know better the character of our Great God, the Lord Jesus Christ,  through personal worship, through persistent praise, and through patient obedience to what we know to be true.

For more in depth explanation of these principles of growth, read the earlier entries on this blog and/or get a copy of Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy, Period from