We wait in hope for the Lord

We wait in hope for the Lord

“We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.” Psalm 33:20
Life is full of problems, fear-producing events, the unexpected and the unjust—all results of sin warping the creation. But you, Lord Jesus, are the rescuing Savior, the One whom we can trust in the midst of this tragic twisting. You are at work to bring an end to the destructive effects of sin. You are the good One, you are the powerful One, you are the loving One, you are the wise One.
We can trust you, rely on you and praise you, for there is rest in you when all about us is falling apart. No human resource, no earthly power, no political plan can protect us—but you can, and you have made a way for all to escape the corruption and destruction of the world and to be transported into the glory of the next world, spending eternity with you—if we believe.
David had it right in Psalm 33:20-22: “We wait in hope for the LORD.” There is no one else to wait for! And you are the God of hope.
“…he is our help and our shield.” You give us grace and protect us from what is truly harmful.
“In him our hearts rejoice.” Your love, your kindness, your faithfulness, your power and goodness are more than enough reason to rejoice.
“for we trust in his holy name.” You are the holy and powerful God, the most High whose might can accomplish all that is necessary to save us.
“May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD,” Praise you for your love that never ends.
“even as we put our hope in you.” The key to participating in your power, Lord, is to trust in you rather than in ourselves. Help us to do that consistently. Glory and honor be to you for the power found in hoping in you, the certainty that you will do what is good and right and best.
Prayer: “Today we go into the day with you, in you, by you, for you, Lord Jesus. Help us to put our hope only in you, praising you before any answer comes, giving you ‘great faith glory’ before the unseen hosts. Amen.” –Take from the devotional book, EDIFIED!