

God’s Gracious Love

In Psalm 73:21-25 is a description of God’s response to our rebellion. In His love he rebukes and disciplines, revealing to us our sin. As the author of Psalm 73, Asaph, said when God brought him to his senses, “When my heart was grieved, and my soul embittered, I was senseless and ignorant, I was a brute beast before you.”

Even when we are so, God consistently draws us on to repentance: “Yet, I am always with you.”

You, Lord, constantly guide, direct and protect us: “You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterwards you will take me into glory.” Our future is secure.

And your great love creates in us an ever-deepening response of love for you; as Asaf said: “Whom have I in heaven but you, and earth has nothing I desire besides you”. Praise be to you, Lord Jesus for your great, unquenchable, ever flowing love!

Prayer: “Lord Jesus, develop in me that intense first love for you which the author of Psalm 73 had, so that my passion for you will eclipse all the world has to offer. Amen.”

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The Most Valuable Relationship

“Whom have I in heaven but you, and earth has nothing I desire besides you.”

Psalm 73:25

Praise your name, Lord Jesus, for you are the most High: you are the Almighty, powerful beyond conception, powerful beyond imagination; you are the Victor, undefeated and undefeatable;

you are the Creator, wise and good;

You are the Savior, gracious and kind.

I praise you for your perfect and powerful character,

persistently and providentially guiding all in the lives of your children.

Thank you that as my Shepherd you are loving and leading me, protecting and providing for me, teaching and revealing to me.

Thank you that during the night as I was attacked again by fear in my dreams and thoughts, I awoke and turned to the truths of Psalm 23, and you defeated the enemy. As I spoke out loud these truths from your Word, the fear and distress lessened and dissolved away. I was able to sleep again and my dreams were positive.

You, dear God, are the One and only Savior. You are the only constant Lover of my soul: no matter what I do, you love me, consistently, completely, creatively. Help me to respond to you in love, living a life th honors you.

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Laid aside for good

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

2 Corinthians 1:3,4


This week we have been operating under the “lay aside” plan. That is, the Lord has seen fit to lay us aside so He can have some undistracted time with us. We all have gotten some kind of powerful flu bug, which seems to run 5 to 7 days with fever and great weakness.

As in all things, the Lord is working out several purposes in this. For one thing, our team leader took the two little local girls living with us, which gives us a break. Then, we were able to relax some in the midst of being sick because we can’t possibly be involved in anything outside of surviving.

A more significant reason is that I’ve been too busy with work and have neglected undergirding everything by prayer. Now I’ve been able to spend some good hours in intercession and prayed about some things that have been gnawing at me, but I hadn’t taken to the Lord. What a relief to lift my soul to Him concerning these burdens, getting out the jumble of thoughts and feelings so I could process them in the light of Scripture..

I praise God for His patience and persistence with us. He knows exactly what to do to get our attention and bring correction. And if we don’t pay attention, He will turn up the volume until we do hear. “For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives” (Heb. 12:6).

I see how I subtly began to place more emphasis on doing and less on praying. Even though my prayer life was still there, it was not of the over-riding importance that it should always be. Now we have some more days of prayer ahead of us, as we will probably be down for a while longer. But we know, “…this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God who raises the dead” (2 Cor. 1:9).


Prayer: “Lord, help me to always have your perspective on the happenings in life, to praise you in and for all and to cooperate with what you are seeking to accomplish in me. Amen.”


More on nurturing our first love for Jesus.

Personal worship is a great way to rekindle first love, and doing this by writing it out is even more powerful

Here’s an example of personal worship, using Psalm 84, meditating on the name “Lord Almighty” or “Lord of Hosts”.

“Praise be to you, Lord God Almighty, Commander of the hosts of Heaven. To you we give glory and honor and praise, for you, Lord God, King Jesus, Gracious Father, Holy Spirit, are the most High, the most Wise, the most Powerful, the most Good and the most Holy of all. You are without beginning or end. You are the junction point of seeming opposites: justice and mercy, truth and grace, holiness and redemption. Only you could be so, only you are worthy of honor and praise. It is right to bow down in worship before you. It is right to surrender all to you. It is right to rise up in obedience. Praise be to you, Lord God Almighty.”

I encourage us all to make a fresh beginning for our first love for Christ, and intentionally nurture it. With time, those around us will be amazed at the difference!

Prayer: “Lord, I confess my failure to intentionally nurture my first love for you. Forgive me and help me to do this every day in worship, in your Word, in praise and in obedience to what I know to be right. Amen.”

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Nurturing Your First Love

What can we do to nurture, strengthen and deepen our first love for Christ? Here’s what I’ve found effective in rekindling that love.

First, repent: acknowledge that our relationship is not what it should be.

Second, remember: take the time to think about the early days of our walk with Him, the delicious sense of freedom from condemnation, the giddy wonder of having a new start, the soothing warmth of being fully accepted by God.

Third, reveal: practice lifting our souls to God, regularly telling Him honestly what we are thinking (mind), wanting (will) and feeling (emotions), then evaluate these by the Word, surrendering each to Him.

Fourth, rejoice: spend time daily in personal worship, extolling Him for who He is without thinking about how that benefits us. This kind of worship is standing in the light of God, seeing more and more of Him, having sin exposed, being transformed (2 Cor. 3:18), reveling in His love and grace.

As I do this, usually by writing my worship thoughts in my journal, there is continual renewing of my first love, there is a growing passion for Christ—and Barbara can see the difference!


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First Love

“…I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.”  Revelation 2:4


Barbara says it’s easy to tell when I am “in cahoots” with God, because then I am in tune with her. What she is referring to is the condition of my first love for Christ. I can perform all the spiritual disciplines correctly (quiet time, prayer, attendance, giving, being nice) but Barbara can tell when the connection with God is missing, when I have no passion for Him.

As you may remember, when Jesus spoke to the Ephesians in the opening chapters of Revelation, He had a lot of positives to say about them, but ended with rebuking them for losing their first love. They had all the mechanics right, but their hearts had grown cold.

His command to them was, “Remember therefore from where you have fallen. Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place” (Rev. 2:5).

So it is with us: we get busy, we give our heart and passion to something else, like our work/ministry/hobby/sport. As a result, our relationship with God grows cold, so slowly that we don’t notice it. But our spouse often does because our marriage relationship reflects the warmth or coolness of our walk with God.

Tomorrow some ways to rekindle our first love for Jesus

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Written in 1980

“The Lord is my shepherd…He leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.”

Psalm 23:1-3a


“What are you doing now?” asked John as I took a clean sheet of paper from my brief case.

“I’m going to make a list of the new words I learned today,” I replied without looking up. “You said that we may be here a long time and I don’t want to waste the hours!”

John smiled and continued his conversation with the policemen who were holding us under arrest.

This was typical of the need to utilize every opportunity for learning the language of our new country. Since there are only four of us in our group, many tasks fall to us that wouldn’t normally be given to language students. Our goal of 6 hours of study a day is rarely met—personally I felt that 3 hours of book study was enough—but the exposure we got through ministry more than made up for the lack of formal study, for we got to learn new words from the myriad of interesting experiences that came each week.

On this particular day, certain grammatical forms and vocabulary were lodged permanently in my mind. For instance, the passive form of the verb “to apprehend or arrest,” was graphically illustrated as the police led us away. We had come to this remote village in the north of the country to give help to poor families. However, since there are rarely any foreigners in the area, the police assumed we must be doing something wrong and arrested us.

We spent several hours in the police station, drinking lots of tea while they investigated our activities. But finding no evidence of wrongdoing, in the end we were released. At that juncture I learned another word meaning “they were embarrassed,” for the police were forced to admit their mistake.

God has a way of guiding and providing for us that is beyond normal human thought. This was language learning at its best, disguised as trouble, which was uncomfortable and disquieting–and would later to lead to bigger difficulties–but was very effective for both language learning and spiritual growth.

The question we always need to ask ourselves is: “Am I willing to look at things from God’s perfect perspective so I can thank Him and take advantage of the opportunity that is offered in my present problem?” Such times are the opportunity to live the truth that “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”


Prayer: “Lord, help me to live today in the light of your presence, seeing your gracious working in all that happens. Help me to have a heart that praises without knowing how you are going to work things out. Amen.”


It is wonderful that you know, understand and think far beyond our tiny capabilities. Before the foundation of the world you knew each of us, long before we came to pass, you knew what would transpire in our lives, what our decisions would be, what each person’s response to you would be. You knew that many would reject your offer of grace, pardon and adoption–yet you chose to pay for the purchase of forgiveness for all human beings at great personal expense.

You see into the future, weaving the innumerable strands of human decisions and events into the fabric of your will, bringing about your overall desired end, as well as the just outcome of our choices. You give people power to make real and valid decisions, though these decisions may bring people to the conclusion you abhor: spending eternity without you.

Prayer: “Lord God, help me to praise you throughout this day, to focus on the truth of your presence, your goodness, your constant care for your children. Help me to lift my eyes by faith from the nagging negatives in life to the transcendent truth of your wonderful working out all things for your glory and my good. Amen.”

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“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble…The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
Psalm 46:1,7

Praise be to you, Lord God: I awoke and found you there, waiting for me. I give you glory and honor and praise for
–your good and powerful presence,
–your lingering, long-lasting love,
–your wonderfully wise ways,
–and your unending, unrelenting undergirding of life.

Truly you are glorious, you are great, you are good through and through. You are mighty
in love,
in justice,
in wisdom,
in mercy,
in grace.

You are worthy of worship and wonder.

Praise be to you for your working in your children to bring change:
–giving us knowledge, revelation and guidance in your Word;
–bringing us conviction leading us to repentance;
–giving goodness every day so that we might walk with you.

Ever Present

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble…The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
Psalm 46:1,7

Praise be to you, Lord God: I awoke and found you there, waiting for me. I give you glory and honor and praise for
–your good and powerful presence,
–your lingering, long-lasting love,
–your wonderfully wise ways,
–and your unending, unrelenting undergirding of life.

Truly you are glorious, you are great, you are good through and through. You are mighty
in love,
in justice,
in wisdom,
in mercy,
in grace.

You are worthy of worship and wonder.

Praise be to you for your working in your children to bring change:
–giving us knowledge, revelation and guidance in your Word;
–bringing us conviction leading us to repentance;
–giving goodness every day so that we might walk with you.

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