“Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you” (Ps. 119:91).
You created the universe to be dependent on you; you established the laws of physics, the laws of ethics, the laws of morality, and they have continued on throughout history. Whatever happens, the creation serves you. You are able to transform whatever comes into something useful in your Kingdom.
“If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction” (Ps. 119:92).
This is so true of me: if I had not meditated on your Word, I would not have made it in the Middle East. I would have both exploded and imploded, for the difficult events we lived through would have driven me back home, demolished my emotional life, destroyed my family life and done in my ministry. But you fed and led me through your Scripture.
Your Word brings life, it brings light, it brings truth, it transforms, protects and guides.
–By it we can understand life to a sufficient degree, enough to make sense.
–By it we can know you enough to trust you.
–By it we can see you at work so we can move on with you in life.
Your Word is my light, my lamp, my love. Praise be to you for providing what we need to trust you.
Prayer: “I bow before you, O Lord– Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I give you honor and praise for you have revealed yourself to us in your Word. I rise up from worship to obey you today with all my heart, for all your glory. Amen.”