The Gift of Beauty leads us to Worship
You are yourself beautiful, O Lord.
You are lovely in goodness, graciousness and gloriousness.
You are righteous and just, positive and pure. .
You are kind, compassionate, forgiving and long suffering.
You are present, protecting, all seeing and caring.
You uphold all who are bowed down.
You deliver from the oppressor.
You heal the broken-hearted.
You guide the lost and save the sinner.
You are:
The God of goodness,
The Elohim of eternity,
The Shepherd of salvation,
The Father of faithfulness.
Therefore, you are worthy of worship, praise, glory and honor. So I bow before you now in awe, praising you in gratefulness. I rise up in your joy to exalt you in thankfulness and obedience.
May you be glorified today in my thoughts and actions, words and reactions, O Great and Mighty, Lovely and Lavish , O Just and Joyous Jesus!