More on nurturing our first love for Jesus.
Personal worship is a great way to rekindle first love, and doing this by writing it out is even more powerful
Here’s an example of personal worship, using Psalm 84, meditating on the name “Lord Almighty” or “Lord of Hosts”.
“Praise be to you, Lord God Almighty, Commander of the hosts of Heaven. To you we give glory and honor and praise, for you, Lord God, King Jesus, Gracious Father, Holy Spirit, are the most High, the most Wise, the most Powerful, the most Good and the most Holy of all. You are without beginning or end. You are the junction point of seeming opposites: justice and mercy, truth and grace, holiness and redemption. Only you could be so, only you are worthy of honor and praise. It is right to bow down in worship before you. It is right to surrender all to you. It is right to rise up in obedience. Praise be to you, Lord God Almighty.”
I encourage us all to make a fresh beginning for our first love for Christ, and intentionally nurture it. With time, those around us will be amazed at the difference!
Prayer: “Lord, I confess my failure to intentionally nurture my first love for you. Forgive me and help me to do this every day in worship, in your Word, in praise and in obedience to what I know to be right. Amen.”