“Trust in the Lord and do good…commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:2

Here is more on how the Lord taught me to graciously deal with each situation and individual effectively, one at a time.

For three years I’ve been working with an older believer who has not wanted to come to the fellowship. He has had lots of excuses. During these three years, the Lord has given opportunities to graciously teach on this point and this man is really convicted now from the Word to obey God and has begun attending the meetings. This is so much better than his going because I wanted him to.

God’s work is much deeper and more effective than our little solutions. What a wise God we have, and what a privilege to spend the time preparing the ground with prayer first. When we appeal to the “God of Glory” who “thunders over the mighty waters…whose voice breaks the cedars…and shakes the desert…” (Ps. 29:3), He works powerfully to resolve things in ways far better than ours.

Prayer: “Lord, help me to recognize my anger, frustration and impatience for what they are: selfishness, wanting things my way and idol worship. Help me to do things your way, with prayer, with patience, with wisdom and with grace. May you be honored in my life today. Amen.”