Psalm 10:16-18

Psalm 10:16-18

Psalm 10:16 “The LORD is King for ever and ever; the nations will perish from his land.”
[You, the Eternal One, set up and take down rulers and nations, you begin and end all, you will remove the wicked and restore the righteous. Of this we can be certain, because you, O God, are good, forever and ever.]
Psalm 10:17 “You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,”
[Praise be to you, the God who hears, who listens with complete understanding, who knows our hearts and answers in power, wisdom and with comfort.]
Psalm 10:18 “defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.”
[Praise you that you defend, you provide, you guide, you protect and encourage. You will move us out from oppression of Satan wields by using our own wickedness and that of others. Your love and care, your protection and deliverance will then bring you glory and praise, honor and exaltation, for you, the King of Salvation are worthy of it!]
Help us to live today in the light of your goodness, trusting in the sure hope of your deliverance, whatever our situation might be. You hear our cry and you will answer in the right way at the right time with the right deliverance, whether it be in this life or the next. Help us to trust you fully so that you may use us fully.