Light in Darkness

Light in Darkness

Praise you this morning, Lord, for your provision of a wonderful bed, of a warm house, of a fine wife, for Josh being here to visit us, for challenges in life.
I praise you for your perfect faithfulness, perfect love, perfect wisdom, and perfect provision. Because of these I can rest in you in the midst of difficulties. No matter what, I can choose to exalt in you and take shelter in you. I give you honor, glory and praise, for it is your due.
But all the exaltation I can give you is far smaller than what you deserve. I praise that in spite of what I am, you have given me the privilege of being a called member of your family, of being allowed to give you worship, and having the privilege of praise in every moment of life.
It is a glorious thing to belong to you, Lord Jesus, to walk with you, to bask in your love, to gaze upon your beauty, to be in the process of transformation.
I praise you again, Lord God, my dear Heavenly Father, for the weaknesses you have put in my life. Primarily I think of my inability to help my little wife get well. Yesterday was another relapse with what appears to be low sodium; this brings on confusion, and loss of memory. Giving her lots of electrolyte drink and salty foods seems to help, but doesn’t bring her up to proper levels.
Praise you that we already had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for today and that he ordered a blood test yesterday to determine her sodium level. He will tell us what to do medically from there.
But in this midst of this setback, you are at work. As a result of it Barbara is bringing out more and more of the things that bother her, wrong thoughts, ideas and feelings that have entrapped her for years. Now under the pressure of her illness these are surfacing so they can be dealt with. And in my weakness I desperately need God’s wisdom in how to proceed from here in helping her.
Lord, I praise you for your answering my long term prayers for ongoing growth for us both. You have answered with problems; we determine to respond with praise. I thank you now for the wisdom, direction and help you will give today, and tomorrow, and on into the future. Amen.