Well it has been an exciting weekend, with many chances to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving. God always “checks in” to make sure I’m living what I say I believe.
This week my medicine for my restless legs ran out; I called the doctor’s office and asked for more, but was told that since I had an appointment two days later I would have to wait. I knew that this would give me sleepless nights, but what could I do but offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving?
So that night, without my medication, I had severe restless legs and didn’t sleep at all. I did get a lot done though, both desk work and outside on my construction project.
Off to the doctor in the morning; she prescribed a new medication. One of it side effects was suddenly falling asleep. I took it in the evening but it had zero effect on my restless legs and I was up all night again! Another night of profitable work.
The next day we went to the local fair. On the way home, shortly before our house I “suddenly fell asleep” from my new medication and was awakened when our car hit a telephone pole!
We were basically unhurt and we saw the Lord’s protection: the pole did not land on our car, nor did the electric lines; no other car was involved; if I’d missed the pole we would have hit a stone wall and most likely would have flipped over making it much worse.
After the initial shock, we began to notice pain in our chests. Looking at our car I could see why. We went from 40 mph to 0 mph in 8 inches, the thickness of the pole! The EMT said it was “seat belt bruising.” It seems to be more than a bruise, however, as every move brings shooting pains. I think our sternums are cracked or broken. There is nothing that can be done but wait, as with broken ribs.
Now, logically speaking this accident was actually my doctor’s fault, for if she had done what I asked it would not have happened. So this is an opportunity to “rewrite and forgive.” God allowed this and has a purpose in it, just as He did with Joseph. The doctor meant good not evil. So I forgive her and let go.
Our car is totaled, as seen in the picture and without collision insurance; we will see what God does with this and the other aspects.
It is so good to be in His hand, in His family, in His Kingdom, in HIs plan. So we offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving to honor God and open the way so He can show us the salvation of the Lord.