Amazing Creator

Amazing Creator

Contemplating the Magnificence of God

“The LORD [Yahweh] is robed in majesty… Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea—the LORD on high is mighty.’ Psalm 93:1,4,5

Glory and praise be to You, O Yahweh, the Majestic One, the Mighty One, the Magnificent One.

Your power is beyond comprehension, far greater than the might of a Tsunami rising out of the ocean, sweeping inland for miles, destroying all in its path. Or the power of the great waves in a storm, pounding at cliffs, tearing them away.

To create the sun, you simply spoke. You made it huge, hot and high in the heavens, spewing out tongues of flame millions of miles into space, burning at temperatures beyond our comprehension, emitting heat and light year after year, century after century, millennium after millennium; you control its heat, its light, its life. And the sun is but one of billions of stars in billions of galaxies that you spoke into existence and sustain by your mighty power.

You, O Lord Jesus, also hold together the nucleus of every atom in the universe, keeping positive forces together when they should push apart (“…in him all things hold together” Col. 1:17). Your strength is beyond what the human mind could possibly begin to comprehend.