Psalm 29:1 A Psalm of David.
“Ascribe to the LORD,”
[ O LORD, Yahweh, we proclaim that you are the source of all possible positives. We attribute to you all the beauty and goodness we find in the world. We declare that you are righteous, holy and without fault, shouting out before men and angels that you are perfect, pure and powerful, the Paragon of excellence.]
“O mighty ones,”
[Angels, great in strength, and humans who are, on their level, have some power, with resources and influence, should freely and eagerly assert that You, Lord God, are the Most High, the Almighty, the Eternal King. In spite of their measure of power, the strength of men and angels is monumentally minuscule compared to yours. Which of them could create even a small star like our sun?]
“ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.”
[We declare, O Lord, that all glory and strength flow from you, the Majestic and Mighty One. You are glorious in your greatness, gorgeous in your grace and grand in your goodness.
You are glorious because in you there is no evil, no darkness, no wrong, no sin. You are glorious as you shine out from your Being in holiness, purity and goodness. You, the glorious One, are full of light and splendor, majesty and might; there is no other like you.
We see your strength in your speaking the stars into existence, forming the world with your Word, setting it in place, in orbit, in proper tilt to support the carbon-based life you created.
Praise be to you, Lord God, for your infinite, immeasurable, eternal, irresistible, unthwartable power. All might flows from you, from the level of sub atomic particles to the greatest stars and the largest galaxies–you are the Creator, you are the Source, the Sustainer, the One who is worthy of worship.
So, we bow before you this morning, surrendering to you the day you have given us, acknowledging our weakness, our ignorance, our neediness, so that in you we may be strong.
Help us to keep on your armor, to fight the right enemy with praise, prayer and persistence in obedience, thinking truth and living in the light of your presence. May we bring joy to your heart and credit to your name in all we do. I praise you now for your answers to this prayer. Amen.]