You are wonderful, Lord, and to be a beloved member of your family is beyond wonderful. It is more than any human being could imagine or wish:
to be loved without restraint;
to be delighted in, in spite of what I am;
to have instant access to your presence;
to be watched over and protected by the
All-seeing, All-knowing, All-powerful, All-good One;
to have purpose and meaning, direction and guidance, fullness of life and a glowing future!
These are privileges beyond what we could ever hope for on a human level.!
In addition, you promise to every believer the possibility of all Joy and Peace, and overflowing Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 15:13)—this is what every human heart desires—and as followers of you, Lord Jesus, all we have to do to receive these is to trust you.
I bow before you now, Lord God, I lift up your name, I proclaim your goodness, and rise up to obey the Worthy One, the Holy One, the Powerful One, the Good One. Glory be to you in my life today, Lord Jesus, my great God and my gracious King.