On another day, this new believer and I sat on a hillside, chatting. Below us sprawled the capital city, a wave of red tiled roofs that washed up and over the hills and mountains surrounding the city center. Although sunshine splashed over most of the scene, dark thunderclouds menacingly shouldered their way in from the West, foreshadowing the suffering that would come into this man’s life. But it would be a while before these storm clouds reached us: there was still time to talk.
We watched four children playing in front of their solitary house down below us. “Yes, I enjoyed reading the book you gave me, but it’s more important that we read this,” he tapped the New Testament portion lying in his lap. “Tell me,” he continued, “what does it mean here…?” And he went on to ask a number of questions.
To have an eager, serious disciple like this who has come out of a different religion is the dream of every evangelist. It is important to note that this man’s coming to Christ is the fruit of many people praying. fWe and many others had been praying that God would bring to us those who would believe. He is a good reminder for us to be faithful in interceding for the world, for we do not know what distant lives those prayers willenter to stir up a desire to know the true and living God.
Prayer: “Lord, help me to be faithful in praying for those who have never heard. Work in them, give them a desire to know Truth. Bring them into contact with your Word. Sweep them into your Kingdom, into your Church, into your protection. Amen.”