

True Rest

I praise you for your wonderful Word, Lord, and the powerful way you use it in our lives. During a very trying time in my life, I wrote the following.
Psalm 62:5, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;”
[This is a command, not a suggestion. In verse one the same truth is given as a statement “My soul finds rest in God alone,” telling us where rest is possible. Here we are called upon to make a choice to find our rest in You, Lord.
We need to turn away from what we naturally pursue for rest–getting what we want, resolution of situations and tensions, positive reactions of people, or removal of conflict.
The fact is that each of these solutions is fleeting and superficial, so quickly replaced by other stresses. But finding our rest in you is the true solution, one that is deep, powerful and eternal. Help us to willfully find our rest in you alone.]
“my hope comes from him.”
[Again, this statement is a bit different from verse one (“my salvation comes from him”). Here is the hope, the certainty of receiving what we desire: rest. But we need to turn from our desire for rest to desiring the One who can grant it.
As it says in Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart.” You. Lord, are to be the focus of our affections; then you can safely give us good things, knowing that they will not become idols.
And as we trust, the power of the Spirit comes into our situation; as we intentionally find our rest in you, Lord, then you pour out all kinds of goodness in our lives.]
We can trust you because you are Elohim, the incredibly powerful and persistently faithful One. You show your power in creation–you are the star Breather, the galaxy Former, the planet Hanger, the earth Spinner, the dawn Bringer. You are great beyond comprehension.
And you are the fully faithful One–you promise and it happens; you plan and it comes to pass. At the right time you came to be our Savior; at the right moment you save us in our daily lives.
Therefore, in the midst of present uncertainty and disappointments, I choose now to embrace your character as Elohim–the powerful and faithful One–for you know what you are doing as you shape, guide, change and transform my life. I gladly join you today by wholeheartedly trusting you with total praise.
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Psalm 33:21-22

Psalm 33:21 “In him our hearts rejoice, ”
[You alone are the source of our joy, Lord Jesus. All that is good comes from you, from your gracious heart and grace-filled hand. To know you, to live with you, to be your child, to serve in your power–this is far more than enough for rejoicing, no matter what our circumstances may be.]
“for we trust in his holy name.”
[Yes, our joy flows because you make it possible for us to trust in you, whose name means “Savior.” You have opened the way so we can know your Name in all its power and purity, its love and light, its faithfulness and forgiveness. You are worthy of trust and submission and obedience.]
Psalm 33:22 May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD,”
[Praise you that your love never fails, that your faithfulness never ends, that you character never changes. Praise you for your promise that your love will rest upon us now, today, in the moment of need, and forever!]
“even as we put our hope in you.”
[Again you remind us that this is a partnership: you provide all, you wait for our participation. May our daily decision be to hope in you , and be ever evidenced by persistent praise in our hearts, minds, souls and mouths.
To you be glory forever and ever, Lord Jesus, King of Glory, Lord of lords, Shepherd of power and love. I bow before you in awe and respect, I rise up in submission and obedience to your, your Word, your Spirit, your Truth. Glorify yourself in my life today.

Help in Life

Got an email from an old friend whose wife, Sue, died last year.
He wrote, “I took Chambers’ devotional with me for variety but returned to Edified upon return. Of great interest to me was discovering again the underlining and marginal notes in Sue’s copy. She frequently would place the year in the margin (2014-16) as if to say “amen” to your point.
I believe your book benefited her more than any other factor in developing a sweet attitude of submission and peace during her last two years of illness.”
You, too, can benefit from the book EDIFIED! 365 devotionals to stimulate personal worship and spark inner transformation–as it did for Sue in her suffering. Click on the link above to see the book.

Psalm 33:19-20

Psalm 33:19 “But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him…to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.”
[Here is the true picture. You, Lord Jesus, are the only One who can deliver us from death. In the greatest way you have delivered us from eternal separation from you by your own death and resurrection. We are saved and safe now for eternity!
And you save us every day. How many times have you saved me from near accidents, including potential head-on crashes–and how you protected us in the one head-on crash we did have. You are at work in seen and unseen ways, delivering us from death daily.
On another level, you are the One who keeps us alive by supplying our daily bread, often in great abundance. You see our need and provide it. You are the Source of all, you are the Provider of all that is necessary and far more.
Psalm 33:20 “We wait in hope for the LORD;”
[Instead of trying to save ourselves in our feeble strength, it is much wiser to pray and wait for you to act, Lord and then join you in it.
Sometimes we wait for a long time, but you are faithful and will act at the right time, just as you did with Joseph. You kept him in prison until he had learned all that was necessary. Then at the right moment you brought him out, ready for the great work for which you had prepared him.
In you there is hope, a certainty of provision at the right time, the hope of love moved by wisdom and power to bring about what is best.]
“he is our help and our shield.”
[Your mighty, majestic power moves in love to support us in our weakness. You consistently pour out upon us grace, wisdom, insight, peace, joy and rest. Out of your superb strength you move to shield us from the attacks of the enemy, from all that would harm us spiritually. You hold your hand of power over us to ward off the evil one and evil men. You only are our true help and shield.]
You are the God who is beyond our dreams, beyond our hopes, beyond our understanding. You are Great and Powerful, Glorious and Perfect, Gracious and Pure. You are the fulfillment of the longing of our hearts and far more. Glory and honor certainly belong to you alone! May they flow from my life to you today.]
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Psalm 33:18

Psalm 33:18 “But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,”
[It is wise to choose to fear You, Lord, rather than people. This means to stand in awe of your wisdom, to care deeply what you think about each thing, and to live in submission to your Truth rather than culture or personal preference. Fearing you leads us to choose what is right rather than just what is comfortable.
Our hope must be in your gracious and good heart of love, not in people, or circumstances or our own efforts. We must choose to come to you, to seek your help, to rest in and trust in you. Then you will act on our behalf. You call us to an active partnership role, to live in responses of faith.
King Jehoshaphat demonstrated this for us in 2 Chronicles 20 when he was suddenly confronted by a massive invading army. He chose to fear you rather than the enemy and demonstrated this by immediately coming to you for help and guidance rather than turning first to his generals.
He then demonstrated his trust of you by sending out a choir before his army to sing praises to you. And as the choir began to sing, you caused the enemy soldiers to turn on each other and the whole attacking army was destroyed.
You saved Jehoshaphat and his people by your power poured out in response to praise generated by trust that flowed from fearing you.]
Lord help us to find our hope in you, to fear you rather than whatever threatens us. Help us to actively trust you by coming to you first in any challenge, and by offering praise to your name instead of complaining and living in fear, hopelessness and despair.
May we walk in the light of the truth that, “The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining on ever more brightly until the full light of day” (Prov. 4:18).
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Psalm 33:16-17

Psalm 33:16 “No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength.”
[Large armies and great strength are not the deciding factor–God is, as in the following examples.
–I think of the huge multinational army that came against King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20. He turned to God for help and God caused the enemy soldiers to turn on one another and destroy themselves.
–I think of the great army of Assyria that came against King Hezekiah and how the Lord put to death 185,000 of them in one night by a plague and saved Jerusalem (2 Kings 19:36).
–I Think of David versus Goliath, and of Daniel versus the lions.
–Then there is Paul, attacked and beaten by the Jews at the temple, but God sent the Roman commander to save him.
In each case the deciding factor is not might or size, but God.
So it is with us, Lord, for we are weak and vulnerable to then powerful forces around us–think of the poor Christians in Syria who flee from one conflict after another. But we can and must turn to you for help, rather than looking to the puny powers of this world.]
Psalm 33:17 “A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.”
[In David’s days a horse was the strongest weapon available in battle, the most powerful military means, but it was not enough to deliver. The rider needed help from God, or he was doomed.
So it is with us: technology, machines and weapons are available, but they are just tools, useless without you, Lord. Your plan is stated in Zechariah 4:6, “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty.”
You alone, Lord, are the Ruler, the Decider, the Helper of all who turn to you. “My salvation and my honor depend on God. He is my mighty rock and my refuge” (Ps. 62:7). “Blessed is the man who trusts in Him.” (Ps. 34:8). We must turn first to you: “This poor man called and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles” (Ps. 34:6).]
Lord, forgive me for first looking for help in the wrong places: my own efforts, people, professionals, possessions, money and machines. Help me instead to call out first of all to you. Then deliver me in such a way that you get the glory and that all around me will see that it is your work, not that of mere men. Thank you now for how you will answer this prayer in all that is to come.
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Psalm 33:13-15

Psalm 33:13-14 “From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth….”
[The Lord gazes across the universe, past thousands of galaxies to the Milky Way, then down to one tiny speck under one arm, where He is able to observe every single person, to see everything each does. Such all-encompassing, infinite ability, such penetrating power, such total focus is amazing. No one is hidden from your sight.
What a grief it must be to you to see your creatures continually choosing to sin, to hurt others, to dishonor your name, to continually rebel. Yet, in your great love and mercy you keep on looking down and working among us.
Psalm 33:15 “he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.”
You, Lord, don’t just observe, you think about what we are doing, evaluating and weighing each decision and the motives behind it. This should strike fear in the hearts of rebels, and it should give encouragement to us who are your children, knowing that we can be totally honest with you, for you already know all. You are beyond comprehension in your powers and goodness, worthy of our worship and trust!]
[You, as our Maker, then go on to empower your children to live according to what is right. “By his divine power he has given us all we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him…” (2 Pet. 1:3)].
However, for those who reject your offer of mercy, forgiveness and adoption, who rely on their “good works” to save them, the outcome is very different. As it says in Rev 20:13,15 “each person was judged according to what he had done…If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”
Our own works bring not salvation, but damnation. However, there is that wonderful “IF” in this sentence “if our names are…written in the book of life.” And praise God that, for believers in Christ, this is a reality: our names are written in that book by the Lamb of God Himself!
Glory be to you, mighty and loving Lord, the all-seeing God, for you are worthy to be honored, lifted up and praised throughout this day. May I do so wholeheartedly, continually, persistently, for this is the purpose of my life, to glorify you in whatever comes.
Photo by Eidy Bambang-Sunaryo on Unsplash
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Psalm 33

Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.”
[“Blessed” is, in a way, too weak a word for the wonder of being the people of God, part of the universal Church, being chosen for His inheritance, being included in His Kingdom and future.
These great privileges are highlighted when I consider what I actually deserved as an enemy of God, incapable in myself of obeying Him. You, Lord, would have been right and righteous to strike me down upon birth, sending me directly to hell and separating yourself from me for eternity.
Yet you called me to be one of your children, a princeling in your family, a brother to Jesus and an ambassador for your Kingdom. You cleansed and transformed me, you chose and cherished me, and I stand before you dearly loved, deeply cared for, doted on and delighted in. Not because of what I am, but because of who you are: Love itself, Light itself, Life itself, breathing new creation into a life born a ruin, giving worth to what was destructive, making useful what was dangerous.
To belong to you, O Holy Heavenly Father, is a marvelous shift of fortune, a wonderful change of status, an undeserved privilege of grace, a miraculous outcome–all dependent on your goodness.
Praise be to you that you gave worth where there was waste, you gave value where there was viciousness, you gave life where there was death. In you we are wanted, worthwhile and watched over. To be your people is a privilege beyond comprehension.
To think on this brings praise to my lips. Truly praise is your due, praise is our privilege, praise is our gift, praise is our joy. You are worthy of this, O Lord, in every way.
So we eagerly give you glory, honor and praise for the incredible goodness of your heart, the unbelievable forgiveness of your character, the incomprehensibly lavish love of your being and we bow before you in thankfulness, gratitude and joy. We rise up to return your love through obedience, rejoicing and praise. Glory be to you in our lives today. Amen.
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Psalm 33:10-11

Psalm 33:10 “The LORD foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.”

[You, O Lord God, rule. You are absolutely Sovereign. You, Lord God, are the star Breather, the galaxy Former, the planet Placer, the moon Maker, the earth Spinner and the dawn Bringer. You are great beyond comprehension and mighty beyond imagination.

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You see all that the devil, demons and dominions are planning to do and in your might, munificence and majesty, thwart the wrong that contravenes your great goals.

You frustrate our destructive desire for selfish independence; you prevent us from reaching joy and peace apart from you; you hold back the tide of evil that would keep people from deciding for you and what you do allow, you will use for good in the lives those involved.

Praise be to you for your greatness, Lord, for your wisdom, your power, your love and faithfulness–all of which are continually at work to transform the evil of men into the goodness of God.]

Psalm 33:11 “But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”

[In contrast to us weak humans and the limited abilities of evil spiritual powers, you are unthwartable, unfoilable, unconquerable, undefeatable and eternally triumphant.

You will bring to pass the results that you have planned, no matter what people and evil powers may do. You are able to weave their rebellion and rejection of truth into the overall fabric of your purposes for the redemption and recreation of the universe. In the process you rescue from the kingdom of darkness all those who are willing to believe and sweep them into the Kingdom of Light.

You are firm and faithful, you are constantly consistent, ever present and perfectly powerful. What you planned from the beginning has come to pass, despite Satan’s constant attempts to thwart your desires: the line of Judah was preserved, the Messiah came at the right time, making the necessary sacrifice, rising from the dead and providing salvation for all, especially for those who believe.

No force could prevent this, no power could thwart it. “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord” (Prov. 21:30).

We praise you that you are ever at work to thwart what is wrong and bring to pass what is right. In you we can rest, in you we can find peace. Help us to live in trust, in praise and in wholehearted obedience to you today.

Psalm 33:7-9

Psalm 33:7 “He gathers the waters of the sea into jars;”
[The vast oceans are but a small drop to you, Lord, easily channeled into the place prepared, kept there in store for your plans, the good of all. With it you regulate the climate, provide food, transportation and beauty.]
“he puts the deep into storehouses.”
[You, Lord God, prepared all that mankind would need for life and stored it up: minerals for health (zinc, magnesium, selenium), metals for help (iron, titanium, aluminum), means for heat and power (coal, oil, atomic energy) and measures for money (gold, silver, precious stones). You knew what would be needed and gave it all, putting it where men could find it. You are the great, good and wise Planner and Provider.]
Psalm 33:8 “Let all the earth fear the LORD;”
[Your might, your power, your dominion, your wisdom and your creation are all reasons to tremble before you, to bow in surrender to the Almighty, All-knowing, All-wise One. You are THE One to be feared, respected and obeyed–not puny man or polluted Satan, who is far more powerful than us, but immensely weaker than you.]
“let all the people of the world revere him.”
[The wonder of your creation–the beauty, the wisdom, the imagination, the intricacy, the variety, the vastness and the very minute detail of all you have made–lead us to bow before you in awe, in wonder, in reverence at such power, such greatness, such goodness, such beauty and such majesty. You alone are worthy of worship, O Lord God.]
Psalm 33:9 “For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.”
[With such ease you made all, with such finality you arranged everything. All creation obeyed you and even in its present twisted state, the universe follows the laws of physics you established. Your wisdom, your order, your goodness are visible to all who care to see–for what you made reveals your amazing, full-orbed character.
May this increasing knowledge of how great you are lead us to further trust, further surrender, further rest and ongoing praise.]
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