Creativity Personified

Creativity Personified

“For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens” (Ps. 96:5).

You stretched out the tent of the skies,

driving in its pegs firmly,

tying its ropes securely,

making it strong and sure:

it cannot be changed without your desire.

You spoke and the stars became,

you shepherded them into galaxies,

assigning them their places and names,

and at your command they settled there.

You spread the galaxies across the vast, empty stretches,

forming gigantic patterns,

beyond the perception and comprehension of man.

You, O Lord, are immense in power,

wonderful in wisdom,

awesome in creativity.

We exalt you in your greatness and your goodness; we bow before you in full and amazed submission, leading us to whole-hearted obedience.

We proclaim among the nations, “The LORD reigns!” You are truly God.

We  prostrate ourselves before you in awe, in smallness, in humility that flows from a vision of your holiness.

You are God, you do what pleases you and it is always good.

So We tremble before you, the Holy One, the great I AM, the righteous Judge, the faithful Father.

You alone are worthy of obedience, of submission, of trust and praise.


Prayer: “You reign rightly, O Lord. Reign in me today. Convict me of where I am following my own whims and desires instead of your great goodness; bring me up short, bring me to submission. Amen.”

May be an image of tree, nature, twilight and horizon