Daily Date

Daily Date

As you lead me into worship each day, Lord Jesus, there is a definite sense of solidification within, a strengthening in my inner being. I am more at rest in you, my confidence is shifting from other things to you, there is a growing sense of firm faith in you which stands against self-pity, impatience, discontent and fear.
Being weak is no long something to be feared and despised. It has become like a lens, focusing my attention on you, Lord God, and your mighty, loving, wise character.
Worship (praising you for who you are) brings transformation as I gaze on your greatness: “…we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2. Cor. 3:18).
The light of your character, Lord–pure, powerful, passionate, perfect, positive—is like a Lazar beam, shining deep into the recesses of my soul, exposing the filth of sin, burning away dross, purifying, healing, and guiding me into confession, repentance and the filling of the Spirit.
I praise you for the great love you have for us, leading you to work so patiently, so graciously, so faithfully even when we focus elsewhere on the trinkets and trash of earth, on selfishness and security, on busyness and business.
Your goodness persists through all, Lord, and I am so thankful that you do not give up on me, but are continually bringing me into a wider place as my first love for you grows.
Spending that daily time with you is so good, so powerful, so transforming. I praise and thank you for keeping me consistent in it.