Emotions and Truth

Emotions and Truth

Written before the election results are known.

In this time wrought with high emotions, I’d like to share some thoughts. Today most people view their emotions as a guide. How often have you heard the advice, “Just follow your heart?”

Emotions are a gift from God, but His intent is to enrich our lives with them, not guide us. Here are three reasons from observation for which I believe God gave us emotions (He probably has more).

A first reason is that God wants us to enjoy what He’s given us: a beautiful sunset, a pleasant concert, a fine friendship, a delicious meal, a sense of achievement. He likes for us to have pleasure in the good things He’s given.

A second reason is to warn us. Our our negative emotions are like the dash board lights on our car. When the oil light, or check engine light, or battery light comes on it doesn’t mean, “turn right at the next road,” or “go faster,” or “continue straight on.” They all mean, “Something is wrong, do something about it!”

Our negative emotions, like anger, jealousy, greed, fear or hate, are warnings to us, that we are thinking wrongly, following the wrong values, or have a wrong perception. For instance right perspective is, “Let every  man be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath, for the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God.” (James 1:19,20). If we follow our negative emotions, we almost certainly will get into trouble. If, instead we heed the warning, back off, think biblically and make a Godly decision, Things  will go much better.

A third reason for our emotions is to motivate us. All of us have been in a discouraging situation, when one person speaks up, “Come on! We can do this; we just have to pull together! What do you say?” Everyone’s emotions are stirred, they get up and move ahead.

And so it is now; whoever wins the election, we know that God has a plan and we can join Him, trust Him,, follow Him, not our emotions.

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