Equipped for this day

Equipped for this day

Praise be to you, Lord, for your goodness seen in the beauty of the morning. Outside our window the petunias turn their cheerful pink little faces to the sun, surrounded by busy birds feeding on the porch. The grape vine leaves on the trellis share their sunlight-illuminated green with us. A breeze lightly brushes the surface of the pond, creating an impressionistic copy of the bushes reflected there. Long shadows cast by the rising sun stretch over the hillside, accentuating the curve of the field. All is peaceful and quiet, a new day waiting to receive its assignment from the Creator.
Thank you that as today rises from the residue of yesterday, you give us another opportunity to live for you, to abide in you and move through the activities before us in your power. With uncertainty hovering on the horizon, there is security in being with you, for you know what is to come and will give us all the grace, wisdom and strength we need to meet it and rise above it, like a small boat able to ride the waves of the sea.
I praise you for giving us your power through prayer and the filling of the Spirit. Thank you for the armor to put on (Eph. 6:10-18) so we can stand against the wiles of the devil, remembering that we fight not against people but against the devil and his forces, using praise, prayer and persistence in obedience. And that as we keep on the whole armor, we can stand in the evil day, doing all that you desire. Help us to stand, having on the belt of truth, remembering what we deserved (condemnation, banishment and darkness) and what you have given us (forgiveness, adoption and the light of your continual presence).
Help us to keep on the breastplate of righteousness, forgiving ourselves as you have forgiven us, and the shoes of peace, forgiving others as we have been forgiven. Above these, help us to lift up the shield of faith by giving thanks in and for all, thereby quenching all the fiery darts of the evil one. And to put on the helmet of salvation, remembering that our significance and security come from you alone. Then to take up the sword of the Spirit, reading, studying, meditating on your Word so we can live it out each day. And to stand, praying consistently for all around us.
With this armor in place, we can meet every attack, every challenge in your power, Lord Jesus, confident in your goodness, grace and love. What a wonderful way to live in this fallen world, to rest in the greatness of who you are, to live in the shelter of your love and to revel in the certainty of eternity with you. May you be honored today as we walk with you in the freedom of obedience, following in faith and praising in your presence.