Ever Present

Ever Present

Praise be to you, Lord God, that I awoke this morning to your presence, in which there is safety, security and significance through your love. You were there, waiting for me, watching over me in the night, ready to meet with me and take me through the day you have prepared, equipping me with grace, your armor, wisdom, patience and joy. All I need to do is turn to you, spend time with you and take up all that you have given.

I praise you for your unceasing and beautiful love, uninfluenced by my failures, rebellion and selfishness. You are love, you cannot not love, and in that is stability, surety and joy. You are worthy of our worship, our surrender, our obedience, our praise.

All that we can give you is so feeble and inadequate in the light of your perfection, your eternal infiniteness and immeasurable might. Yet you stoop down, accept our worship, draw us to yourself and love us unceasingly.

You are wonderful, you are lovely, you are majestic, you are magnificent. You are too good to be true, yet you are more than true. To you belongs glory, honor and praise in each moment, in each event, forever and ever. Guide me today in giving you all the honor I can, offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving in each happening so you may be lifted up, exalted and glorified throughout this day. Amen.