Extraordinary Light

Extraordinary Light

2Co 4:6  For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”

made his light shine in our hearts

to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory

displayed in the face of Christ.

You, Jesus, have given us

— light from your Wisdom,

–conviction and guidance from your Spirit,

–transformation and insight through your Word and worship,

—enlightenment from other believers.

In you is life, in you is Light, in you is Love and in you I am free and fulfilled, forever.

Lord Jesus, to know you is such a wonder, to give you worship is such a privilege, to love you is such an honor.

You are the Creator,

you are the Guide,

the Protector,

the Beginner

and Ender of all.

To you alone belongs worship and power, glory and exaltation.

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