Here are fifty-seven spiritual reasons to give thanks in any and all situations.
God is real.
He is eternal.
He is holy with no sin, evil or negatives.
He is perfect.
He is wise beyond comprehension.
His ways and thoughts are far higher than ours.
He knows everything.
He understands everything.
He created everything ,giving each thing its complexity and superb design and did so just by speaking!
He is present everywhere, all the time.
He is Sovereign.
He is powerful beyond conception.
He is beautiful in perfect and full-orbedness.
He loves beauty and shares it with us in His creation.
He is love.
He is light
He is life
He inexplicably loves His enemies.
He desired to buy us back from the kingdom of darkness.
He rescued us from Satan, sin and self.
He has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in the Kingdom of light.
He chose us before the foundation of the world to be His children.
He then predestined us to hear the gospel.
He convicted us of sin and righteousness and judgment.
He revealed Himself to us through the means each of us needed.
He sent people to share the good news with us.
He pinned us down to listen and consider.
He gave us faith and repentance.
He is our Shepherd.
He has made His Spirit dwell in us.
We have become the temple of the Living God.
He has made us members of the church universal.
He has given us a church local.
He has given us purpose and meaning.
He has a plan for our lives, laid out in detail.
He is running with us in the race He has set out before us.
Nothing comes to us randomly.
Every bit of suffering has meaning and purpose.
He helps us in every weakness.
He chastens us when we need it (which is much of the time).
He is tender, gracious, loving and kind.
He will make us into the Bride of Christ.
When we die we will go to be with Him.
There will be no sorrow and suffering, no tears or terror.
He has given us peace and joy here and now.
He calls us to trust Him so our lives can overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He invites us to join Him in His great plans.
He has given us the gift of prayer.
We can enter His presence any time.
He has made us His ambassadors.
He has promised to never leave us or forsake us.
He has given us the three things all human beings long for: belonging, worth and competence.
He gives us rest for our souls, if we seek refuge in Him.
Jesus loves us as the Father loves Him.
He has given us all the significance and security we could ever need.
Because He is always good, we can always give thanks to Him in all things.
And the list could go on and on. What a wonderful God we have, far better than we could ever have thought up. Let us be in awe, fall before Him in worship and live lives that bring Him both joy and honor.