“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” Psalm 34:7
I praise you, Lord God, for your care and protection, your guidance and direction. It is so very good to know you, the great and mighty One–and truly, knowing you is enough for joy. I praise you that you are freeing me from the fear of men and are helping me to grasp that you, Lord God, are the only One to be feared.
It is wonderful that you give us a clear description in Psalm 34:13,14 of what it means to fear you. These points are such ordinary, everyday things; yet as I obey you in them, it means I am fearing you, not people, or my own ideas. It means I care what you think more than what others or I think.
“Keep your tongue from evil….” Help me to be aware when I’m about to speak any evil, like gossip, negative, judgmental statements, cutting remarks or humor that makes fun of others. Convict me so I can repent and instead speak what is good, helpful, healing and kind.
“And [keep] your lips from speaking lies.” Alert me to when I am formulating lies in my thinking, like “poor me” or “this is terrible” when the truth is, “This is difficult, but I praise you that you will help me through” or “This is uncomfortable, but I thank you for what you are going to do with it, Lord.”
“Turn from evil and do good;” Make me aware of whenever I am contemplating something evil, like selfishness, lustful thoughts, impatience or resentment. Help me to repent immediately and choose good instead.
“Seek peace and pursue it.” Help me to have the courage and determination to actively work for peace with all those around me rather than avoiding those who clash with me or refusing to forgive or not wanting to ask forgiveness.
In response to these truths, Lord, I must resolve to be deeply concerned for what you think. I want to live for you a life worthy of your great Name, with a love growing in knowledge and depth of insight so that I may be able to “discern what is best, and be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness, which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” (Phil. 1:9-11).
And thank you, LORD, that we can obey you because you are Yahweh, whose glory is in your holiness; because you are Elohim, whose great power is seen in creation and whose full faithfulness is seen in your promised provision of salvation; because you are Adonai, who is worthy to be obeyed fully and promises to provide completely so we can obey.
Prayer: “I bow before you, O Triune God, Creator and Lord of the universe. I surrender my all to you. Help me to fear you in each decision I make so that you can be glorified in my life today. Amen.”