“Praise the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty.”
Psalm 104:1
Praise be to you, my God, the God of relationship, of intimacy, of personality, of interaction and communication. You, O Yahweh, I will praise with my mind, my will, my emotions, with my whole being; without reservation I will exalt you.
You are worthy of worship for you are great: you are mighty, immense, immeasurably expansive, filling the universe with your presence, knowing all, seeing all, performing all that is good.
You are glorious, clothed in garments of splendor and grace—rich, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely and majestic. You are lofty, high and lifted up, powerfully overwhelming and wonderfully good.
You are the God of goodness,
the Lord of Love,
the King of Kindness,
the Judge of Justness,
the Sovereign of the Supernatural,
the Highest of Heaven,
the Ruler of Righteousness,
the Protagonist of Purity,
the Adopter of antagonists,
the Transformer of truants,
the Spring of Spirituality,
the Spirit of Sanctification,
the Paragon of Patience,
the Terminator of time,
the Ender of the earth,
the Extender of eternity,
the Eliminator of evil
and the God of Glory—you only are worthy of worship!
Words fail to express the greatness of your goodness, the perfection of your personality, the beauty of your being. In response to your love, I fall before you in wonder and weakness, and rising up filled with the Spirit, I move into the day in obedience. To you be glory and exaltation, joy and pleasure in my worship of you all this day.