From the devotional book EDIFIED!

From the devotional book EDIFIED!

From the devotional book EDIFIED!
As your Word says, “My God is my rock in whom I take refuge. He is my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Ps. 18:2b). So, whether I am firmly in a protecting schedule, or my life is chaotic, you are there, Lord God: solid, sure, always loving, kind and firm. You are my Light, my Love, my Life.
So I turn my eyes to you and praise you, Lord God: my Triune, Eternal, Personal and Holy God—utterly other, entirely independent, simply sinless and incomprehensibly complex. You created me, chose me, cleansed me, claimed me as your child, commissioned me to special service, and I stand before you dearly loved, delighted in, deeply cared for, doted on and dependent on you.
What a wonder! For what I actually deserve as a sinner is
condemnation, punishment, eternal separation, failure, suffering, death and hell.
To live in the light of your presence, to walk in the shining paths of your righteousness, to bask in the radiance of your love, to be able to see by the brilliant illumination of your Word—these are the privileges of the children of God and we praise and thank you for them.
I praise you now for what your power and grace will do in and through me today, in spite of how I may feel and fail. May all be for your glory. Help me to focus on you, draw my stability, wisdom, strength and understanding from you. May I honor you in all I do today.