My loving God will go before me….” Psalm 59:10
To get the missing parts from the old transmission, that evening I got on another night bus and headed back to the capital, 12 hours away. I arrived on Sunday morning and while taking a taxi home, I saw my local mechanic drive by–I had never before seen him anywhere but in his shop! An amazing God sighting! I had the taxi driver follow and stop him. The mechanic graciously came to my house, took the necessary parts from the old transmission and put them on the new one for me.
So, that night I again got on a bus and for the third night in a row spent an uncomfortable, mostly sleepless 12 hours traveling. I noticed that the bus driver was the same one I’d had the previous night. He also recognized me (not too many foreigners ride buses in that direction) and greeted me warmly. At 3 am when the bus stopped for a break, the driver invited me to have “breakfast” with him and we had a good time chatting.
When I got to the mechanic’s the next morning, I was relieved and thankful that everything needed for the transmission was there, and he set to work putting it in the car. During the days we had to wait for the repairs to be done there were many opportunities to practice language, share spiritual truth and experience the local culture as never before. We were also able to be of help to the widow we stayed with, getting her refrigerator home from the repair shop.f
The weather was really hot and for most of the time there was no running water. Our major preoccupation was sweating! Finally I was able to get a tea cup full of water (literally a tea cup full!) and took a shower with that small amount! It was wonderful. But we were ready to be done and get home, but the Lord had other plans for us. Tomorrow will show you some of them.
Picture of the city we stayed in, 1972