Written 10 years ago.
As I “commit my way to the Lord, I will trust also in Him”, (Ps. 37:5), I can rest in what you will do in the pressing debates before me concerning how to biblically proceed with our work, for you are faithful.
Things may not work out the way I desire, but I know that you will do what is right for “you have sat on your throne, judging righteously.”
[When we look at a situation we may be unsure, have only part of the information, be prejudiced by our preferences and preconceptions, but you have none of these restrictions.
You, Heavenly Father, see all perfectly, you have every detail of information, you even understand our motives and the intents of our hearts. You know Truth totally and you will judge in full Righteousness.
Praise be to you, Lord God, for your goodness and graciousness, your greatness and glory. I praise you today, bowing before you, accepting whole-heartedly whatever results you bring out of the conflicts we are dealing with.]
Epilogue: in the debates mentioned above, neither side “won.” Instead, our conflicting ideas were woven into the policies in a way that bridges that gap between our view points and I think will prevent us from being unbiblical in our work.