God’s Direction

God’s Direction

In 1981 we made a trip to Eastern Turkey. On the way our transmission gave out, so we had to leave our car, travel back to Ankara and order a new transmission from Germany. When it came, we got on a bus and made the 12 hour trip to our car. I subsequently had to make another trip to Ankara for more parts and had the same driver going and coming. He invited me to have breakfast with him, and we struck up a friendship.
After our car was fixed, we started home, stopping in a small city for lunch. There were about 10 small stores on the main street and I randomly went into one, and there was my new bus driver friend, Adnan, sitting there! He said, “I’m only home one day a month and you find me!”
He took us to his home where we met both of his wives and his many children. Subsequently when he passed through Ankara driving his bus, he would come for a visit. We shared the gospel, gave him a Bible and had some good discussions.
Then 2 years later we went to visit and found that Adnan had been killed in a traffic accident! We were so sad, for he had become a real friend. The Lord had given us the opportunity to share Truth with him, as the Lord knew he was going to die soon. We hope that he responded to the gospel before he died. Since he was in a coma for four days before dying, he had a clear opportunity to accept Christ.
In the picture below, taken in 1983, Barbara and the boys are sitting in Adnan’s house.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor