God’s Grace for Difficulties

God’s Grace for Difficulties

More encouraging thoughts on suffering.

Humility is, I believe, the most important virtue, for it is the doorway through which grace flows into our lives: “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” If we are grace recıevers we can be grace givers also!

Out of several definitions of humility, I like this one the best: “Trusting God more than I trust myself.” It is declaring my ignorance and His wisdom; my weakness and Hıs power; that He is my Lord, that it is right to submit to Him.

So in questions of life, like, “Why is there suffering for believers?” I must choose to trust Him in that knowing that He has a good plan and I can trust Hım ın ıt

And here’s another aspect of suffering. God promises to give us grace to carry us through. That is He gives the sufferer grace, enough grace to endure through, but He doesn’t promise that grace for those who watch the suffering. Instead He gives them faith to trust Him to do what is right!

This is an upside down thought for the world, because God’s thoughts are far above ours.

So when I see other believers suffering for Christ, I can trust God in what He’s doing, and pray for Him to supply the grace they need—and He will, for He is their Shepherd. I can trust Him more than I trust my own understanding—then He will give me grace also!

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. ames4:10 ames 4:10 Knowing Knowing-Jesus.com Jesus Jesus.com'