Psalm 21. For the director of music. A Psalm of David.
[This Psalm has a triple message. First it speaks of David’s relationship with the Lord; secondarily it is a Messianic prophecy, predicting the victory of Jesus over the devil and death; third, it speaks truth about the life of each believer.]
“O LORD, the king rejoices in your strength.”
[In realizing how helpless we are, Lord, it is wonderful to know that your strength is at work in our weakness, that our weakness actually makes your power perfect (2 Cor. 12:9).
David struggled with his own weakness in dealing with danger on the inside from his own men (his general, Joab and David’s son, Absalom, and when his followers wanted to stone him at Ziklag), as well as those enemies who attacked from the outside.
In like manner, Jesus made himself vulnerable and weak as a human being, having to rely on prayer, the help of the Spirit in His ministry and the Father’s power to rise Him from the dead.
We, also, on an everyday basis, face enemies who are too strong for us, both human and spiritual, but we have your strength to rely on.]
“How great is his joy in the victories you give!”
[The victories in our lives are gifts from you, Lord, and we can rejoice as you help us move ahead, defeat our inner evil (the flesh), and the outer evil (the devil and the corruption of this fallen world), just as Jesus did. To know you, Lord Jesus, to intentionally live in your Truth is to experience your power, and to receive your joy.]
Psalm 21:2 “You have granted him the desire of his heart and have not withheld the request of his lips.”
[You consistently answered David’s prayers, giving guidance, help, protection and victory. In the many battles he was involved in, there is no mention of David ever being wounded.
You answered every one of Jesus’ prayers, Heavenly Father. And so you answer ours, especially when we delight in you, opening the way for you to put in our heart the right desires and grant these “idol-proofed” requests at the right time (Psalm 37:4).]
Help us, Lord, to ask according to your Word, to find our delight in you and to rejoice in whatever answer you give, whether it be “Yes!” “No” or “Wait.”
“Selah” (think on that)