“You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.” Psalm 139:5
God sightings should remind us of God’s great and detailed love for us. We have them every day (like getting safely home) but usually don’t notice them.
Here are a couple from my life recently.
While doing some repairs on the barn roof, I found a wallet, which obviously had been there a long time. It was all swollen and stiff from much rain. I looked for identification, but found none. Later I checked through it again and realized it was my wallet that I’d lost two years earlier! It had $500 and 4 gift cards it! I thought it had been stolen and was very glad to get it back.
I had wanted/needed a good vest for the colder weather but couldn’t find one in the second hand store, so I took the gift cards from my “found wallet” to a clothing store and got a very nice one—I never would have paid that much on my own, but since it was free with the gift cards I got it!
Both Barbara and I lately have had some difficulty getting up from our bed because it is so low. Then at the “too good to throw away” store at the dump I found a brand-new set of “bed risers,” one for each leg, which lifted the bed up four inches making it much easier to get out of bed. Just what we needed!
A retired fellow who had a business repairing heavy equipment came the other day and said he would fix my excavator! I hadn’t asked him, just prayed about it and God answered!
Each of these God sightings is like fertilizer to my faith. The next time I’m in a corner, I can remember these sightings and remind myself that, as God watched over, laying His hand upon me then, He can help me here!