Idle Worship

Idle Worship

Psalm 4:2 “How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?”
[It is the nature of human beings to worship, and you, Lord God, are the only One worthy of such adoration, honor and obedience.
Yet we so often leave your glory to worship the tinsel and lights of this world: shiny new cars, flashy new electronics, exciting sports events, absorbing work, stimulating relationships, a focus on food, the slippery slope of sensuality, or the latest electrifying entertainment.
The wrongness in this is that we seek our fulfillment, our excitement, our security, our significance in these things. We worship them as our idols, meaning we demand these things to be happy. I get so absorbed in a project that I will snap at anyone who interrupts me. I focus on the feeling of accomplishment, not on my fellow followers.
In seeking elsewhere for what only you can give, we turn our backs on you, shaming the Creator and Source of all, the Provider of the possibility of these momentary pleasures. We willfully forget that it is you alone who are Eternal, it is you alone who are Almighty, it is you alone who holds time in your hand, who sets up and takes down kings, who breathes out stars and fills the heavens.
Yes, you alone are the glorious One to be worshiped, adored, exalted and obeyed, yet we let the momentum of the moment divert us away from your majesty to focus on the microscopic.
Forgive us, Lord, lift our eyes to your greatness and free us from our idol worship so that we may fulfill the purpose of our life, to exalt you.]
May be an image of nature, tree, sky, lake and snow