Jesus of Isaiah 40

Jesus of Isaiah 40

Isaiah 40:10 continues “He tends his flock like a shepherd:” You are the Faithful One who protects your sheep at all costs. You watch over us with care, with compassion, with competence, with completeness. In your sight we are `not just possessions but your beloved children.

“He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart;” You are tender with us when we are weak. You love us graciously, kindly, gently. You think of each of us continually, aware of our needs, protecting and guiding us through the difficulties and joys of life.

“…he gently leads those that have young.” You know our condition, you adjust your leadership according to what we are able to do and take. You are gracious and good, providing and protecting, caring and compassionate.

You, Lord Jesus, are the ever-present Shepherd, the powerful King, the perfect Savior and our pleasant Lord. Youare gentle when needed and firm when it’s called for.

You are trustable at every moment, always worthy of obedience, of love, of honor, glory and praise. We bow before your majesty, we rise up in awe of your magnificence, we choose to obey you in the light of your might.

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