Worship, for me, always comes first in the morning, taking time to remember who God is: the Great and Triune One, worthy of praise and honor, exaltation and focus. It is in worship that we are sustained and strengthened, transformed and enlightened, giving us the perspective that Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy! Here’s a poem about this that came out of such a worship time, thinking on Psalms 62:1 and 73:25. May it encourage you as it did me.
Whom have I
in heaven but you?
And Earth has nothing
I desire besides You.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Stars’ Creator
Day’s Designer
Life’s Sustainer
History’s Ender
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Creation’s Redeemer
Sinners’ Savior
Hearts’ Transformer
Mansions’ Maker
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Strong Shepherd
Living Bread
Church’s Head
Judge of all dead
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Day Giver
Need Provider
Spirit Refresher
Soul Purifier
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Heart Pursuer
Spirit Lifter
Soul Lover
Heaven Bringer
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Worthy of Praise
You Ancient of Days
Your name we raise
In endless praise.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Whom have I
in heaven but you?
And Earth has nothing
I desire besides You.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy, Period!
Prayer: “Lord, help me to live in the light of your glory and to volitionally choose to live in the truth that Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy. Amen.”