The final chapter of the cowboy with heavenly wisdom.
After finishing his talk with Sam’s family and Amy on heavenly wisdom, Cody was quiet for a while, then looked at Amy, who was still watching him with big eyes. “Shall we go for a walk?” he asked her, surprised at his own boldness.
“Oh yes,” she said, her eyes shining.
As the couple went out the door into the evening’s moonlight, John and Amanda looked at each other and smiled knowingly.
As they walked towards the spring, Cody hesitantly said, “Your father says I should marry you.”
“He said the same thing to me!” replied Amy.
“What do you think about that?” asked Cody
“I think it’s a good idea,” said Amy. He could see that she blushed slightly in the moonlight.
“Why would you want to marry me, a common cowhand without much to his name? You are a real lady; I’m hardly a match for you!”
Amy smiled and touched his shoulder gently. “You, Mr. Cody, are the most unusual cowhand in the West. You love God. You love His Word. You try to live by Heavenly Wisdom. You are better than any man I’ve ever met, here or in the East. Why wouldn’t I want to marry such a fine and wise man?
“That’s what a woman wants, you know. Someone who is gentle with her, considerate and kind. And someone who will protect her and provide for her. Someone with whom she can be a partner.
“You told us about the fruit of the Spirit. I see it in you, and I will be the one to enjoy that fruit!” she concluded.
“So you would have me?” he asked timidly.
“Of course! Isn’t that what I just said?” she asked.
He bowed his head, “Thank you Lord, for this fine woman who is willing to have me as her husband, with all my failings.
Bless us, guide us, use us in your Kingdom.”
When he opened his eyes, he saw that she had moved much closer to him. He noted the hint, took her into his arms and kissed her with Heavenly Wisdom.
They embraced for a long time, in fact for the rest of their lives as they lived on the ranch, raising cows, horses and children, who, of course, learned early on about Heavenly Wisdom because their parents lived it every day.
Writing this book has been a positive experience because having Cody live out Heavenly Wisdom has helped me to better grasp its implementation.
Recently I had to have a difficult conversation with an angry person. I thought about how Cody would do this and followed his example.
First I prayed about the conversation, and in the process checked out my motives, discarded the negative (I want to win!), the neutral (may he agree with me), and embraced the positive ones (I want this to be a win-win situation, I want this fellow to be successful in his venture, and I want to work out things so my neighbors won’t be impacted negatively).
Then I determined to be peace-loving, saying things