You, O God, are the Lord of lavishness, full of Love and Life, Laughter and Light.
I praise you for your wise working in us in very practical ways, dealing with all the details, right down to the subatomic level, keeping everything humming along, keeping it all together—”He is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Col. 1:17). You care for us wonderfully, persistently, lovingly and graciously.
It is especially warming to think of your loving care for us in contrast to what we deserve. I give you honor and glory for your personel and powerful, persistent and perfect agape Love.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for what lies before us today: on our part partially planned but truly unknown, while on your part it is fully planned and fully known. What an amazing thought: you have gone through the day of each one of your children—hundreds of millions of them–preparing things in detail, planning personalized lessons, readying guidance, protection, chastening, blessing and provision.
And you do the same for the non-elect, pouring out your goodness and attention on those whom you know will never believe. “…your Father in heaven…causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matt. 5:45).
You are truly the God of Grace, the God of Goodness, the God of Giving. To you belongs all glory and honor, all praise and applause, all worship and exaltation, all obedience and reverence, all fear and love. Such care, such compassion, such cherishing, such comprehensive love is found in no one else.
We fall to our knees in wonder, we bow down in awe, we rise up to surrender, to give you honor in belief and obedience. May you be exalted in our lives today.