Let Go, Hold On, Rise Above

Let Go, Hold On, Rise Above

A second discipline to walk in God’s power
A while back we looked at the discipline of offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving (Ps. 50:23). Today we’ll look at “let go, hold on, rise above.”
Let go of human thinking, hold on to the Word of God and rise above all the obstacles He allows in your life.
Let go of what you can’t keep, hold on to what God has given you, rise above whatever challenge comes.
When disappointments come, let go of your plans, hold on to the fact that God is sovereign, and rise above your feelings.
When frustrations come, let go of your timing, hold on to the fact that God has a plan for you and rise above your impatience and selfishness.
When people hurt you, let go of you self-pity and resentment, hold on to the Word, forgiving and offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and rise above your natural responses into the joy of knowing Jesus.
When you lose something, let it go, hold on to the fact that God is your shepherd and you shall not want, and rise above your sadness into resting in Jesus.
Let go, hold on, rise above. Simple, profound, powerful. Freeing, equipping, empowering.
The Nigerian Christian woman in the picture below was shot by Islamic tribesmen; the same bullet killed her young daughter who hiding behind her. Then Her two older daughters were taken by the killers. Two weeks later her 12 year old son was shot and killed while walking home from school. In time she was able to forgive the killers, and prays regularly for the return of her daughters, trusting God to watch over them. In letting go and holding on she was able to rise above.
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