“…he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters.”
Psalm 104:2
Praise be to You, Lord God, for your greatness as seen in your creation. To think of the expanse of the heavens, even if we limit that to only the earth’s atmosphere, it is amazing. The layer of gases, stretching miles up from the surface, carrying water from one area to another, providing protection from harmful rays, burning up meteors before they hit us, giving the needed mixture of oxygen and other gases necessary for carbon-based life—this you just stretched out over the earth, and it stays there, preserving your creatures. And you did this simply by speaking! You are marvelous, incredible, a wonder, rising far above any created being in every aspect of your character.
“He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved” (Ps. 104:5). In this you have given us a powerful stability: only you can move the earth and until you do so, all will remain steady, reliable, sure, rotating at the same rate century after century, circling the sun in exactly the same time each year—revealing your faithfulness.
“You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. But at your rebuke the waters fled, at the sound of your thunder they took flight; they flowed over the mountains, they went down into the valleys, to the place you assigned for them.” Ps 104:9
You, O Lord God, are amazingly powerful. You are the final authority, you are fully in charge: when you speak, the universe responds; when you decide, that is the way it is; when you set limits, nothing can cross them.
You are mighty, great, strong, unconquerable, unstoppable and wise. You only are worthy of worship, of praise, of honor—it is you only we should obey, it is you we should love with all our hearts as we see your greatness and your grace.
Prayer: “Lord, help me to glorify you today in my motives, attitudes, thoughts, words and actions, for you are the great One, totally worthy of worship in every sense of that word. May you be exalted in my life today. Amen.”
Picture from NASA