Moon Shine

Moon Shine

It was a full June moon night. The air was clear and cool, silvered twice by the two shining orbs, one in the sky, one reflected in the perfectly still water.
In the near daylight brightness all was quiet–even the frogs seemed awed into stillness by the beauty around them as the cattails and bushes at the edge of the pond put a black frame on the silver scene.
This evening was the height of light, the shortest night of the year, the official tipping point of Spring spilling into Summer. And God did it beautifully, magnificently, powerfully, displaying His wonderful wisdom in setting that lovely moon in the sky, using it to give us beauty, the rhythm of months and light we can reflect on.
The glory of His creation reveals to us His goodness and grace, His power and presence. He alone is worthy of worship, of surrender and of obedience.
May we, like the moon, reflect His beauty to all around us, shining the light of His goodness and grace into all the dark corners of the world, joining Him as He moves history to a conclusion and takes us with Him.
“If you look around you, you will be distressed.
If you look within you, you will be depressed.
If you look to Jesus, you will find rest.” –Corrie Ten Boom
Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor, nature and water