“For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,” Psl. 1:6
In you only, Lord God, is what we need:
the goodness and grace,
love and care,
protection and security,
significance and peace,
hope and joy
that every human being longs for.
How sad that so many, for the sake of feeling independent, reject all this and end up in utter darkness and total destruction. “The way of the wicked is like deep darkness….” (Prov. 4:19).
You, Lord Jesus, are the opposite: the Lord of Light, who is worthy of praise. You shine your light upon every human being, you call all, you chose those who respond, giving us more and more light.
Truly, “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining on every more brightly til the full light of day” (Prov. 4:18).
Praise you for your grace, Lord Jesus, undeserved by us, but continually poured out on us in great waves of love. You are worthy of worship, of praise, of glory, of honor. I bow before you now in surrender, and I rise up to join you in obedience, to follow your leading today.]