More on Psalm 17:15b

More on Psalm 17:15b

Further thoughts on, “when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.” Psalm 17:15b
When I awake from death you will be there, too. How much more stupendous it will be when I arrive in your full presence, Lord Jesus, seeing you without the veil of sin and selfishness. It will be indescribably wondrous.
I praise you for the daily revelations you give now from your Word, through your Spirit, through God sightings, in the beauty of your creation like the flowers below, in the beauty of your creation like the flowers below, as you remind of us of truths taught and lessons learned so we can apply them again.
As one who has the privilege of knowing you so, of living in your joy, may I be a hope carrier, a perspective bringer, and faith supplier to all those around me as I pass through this life.
May the wonder of your love flow through and out of me to those I meet today, giving you glory and honor and bringing further surrender and obedience in us all.]
May be an image of flower and nature