Further thoughts on Psalm 27:1,
“The Lord is my light”
[In my darkness, when I can’t see the way, when confusion reigns and I don’t know what to do, you, like the sun, shine your light on my path, Lord Jesus. At the right time, we will be enlightened. Praise you for your faithfulness in always illuminating the way.]
“And my salvation.”
[You, Lord God, are the Star Breather, the Earth Spinner, the Dawn Bringer, the History Ender, the great Redeemer and mighty Savior. You are at work in great power, in deep wisdom and in unquenchable love to bring what is best within a broken world.
I think of all the times over the years you have protected me in driving, all the times I should have had an accident, yet you alerted me, or kept me from changing lanes or had others avoid me.
Thank you for keeping us safe when the brakes on my aged vehicle give out–twice, but both times in good places, preventing accidents. I praise you for what you are doing every day to protect us, both from our own foolishness and from others’ errors.
Praise be to you, Lord, for your great faithfulness and love, your gracious, undeserved protection and help. Truly you do protect and deliver on every level: eternal, temporal, spiritual, intellectual, volitional, emotional, physical, financial, social, and vocational.
You shield, you deliver, you provide, you warn, you rescue, you embrace. And why? Because you are love itself, you cherish your children, you delight in us, you choose to love us in spite of what we naturally are.
I praise you in repentance for my unbelief, in wonder for your gracious forgiveness, in humility for your undeserved kindness, in deep thankfulness for your unceasing love, in amazement at your delight in your children, in joy for your marvelous, rich, positive and good character.
In you I am safe, in you I am secure, in you I am significant, in you I ma supplied with all I need. Praise you that you are able and willing to save to the uttermost those who believe in you.]
“whom shall I fear?”
[With a God like you watching over me in love, tenderness, forgiveness and power, who else could have sway over me? Who can bring real damage to me when you filter out what is truly harmful? You only are the One to be feared, to be obeyed, to be revered. Praise be to you in all, Lord Jesus, Redeemer of all, especially of those who believe.
I praise you now for what you have planned for my life today, I delight in your power, rejoice in your provision, and revel in your perfection. May you be exalted today in my life, for you deserve all glory, honor and praise, in and for all things.]