More on Psalm 33:12
To belong to you, O Holy God, to be adopted by you is undeserved magnificent privilege of grace, a marvelous shift of fortune, a wonderful change of status, an, a more than miraculous outcome—all dependent on and flowing from your goodness.
Praise be to you that you gave worth where there was waste, you gave value where there was viciousness, you gave life where there was lostness, you gave delight where there was death. In you we are wanted, worthwhile and watched over. To be your people is a privilege beyond comprehension.
To think on all this brings praise to my heart and lips. Praise is your due, praise is our privilege, praise is our gift, praise is our joy. You are worthy, O Lord, in every way.
So, we eagerly give you glory, honor and praise for the incredible goodness of your heart, the unbelievable forgiveness of your character, the incomprehensible love of your being.
We bow before you in thankfulness, gratitude, and joy for calling us out of darkness into the light. We rise up to return your love in obedience, rejoicing and praise. Glory be to you in our lives today. Amen.