What a wonder it is to know that you, Lord Jesus, chose us before the foundation of the world, that you wanted us as your children, bought us, sought us, adopted us and transformed us. It is so encouraging to know that you love us and cherish us (Eph. 1:2-8). What marvelous, unbelievable truths! They are far more than we could ever have hoped for!
Truly, you are the God who is beyond our dreams, beyond our hopes, beyond our understanding. You are Great and Powerful, Glorious and Perfect, Gracious and Pure. You are the fulfillment of the longings of our hearts, giving us, along with yourself, what we all desire: belonging, worth and competence (Eph. 1:18-19)–and far more. Glory and honor definitely belong to you alone!
May my wonder at you increase every day, O Triune God, may my amazement at being redeemed and loved by you deepen each morning, and may praise, thanksgiving and worship pour out of my soul to you throughout the day as you lead me to walk in the light of your powerful and preserving Presence.]