More thoughts on Psalm 18:34 “He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.”
You, Lord, have a plan of preparation to get us ready for what is to come. We can trust you in every difficulty by responding with thanksgiving and wholeheartedly embracing our present experiences, knowing that you will use them to prepare us for greater service for you in the future.
Right now (2013), you are working in us through my wife’s deep depression to prepare us for some future ministry, unknown to us now. [Now years later, with my wife doing much better, we have seen much growth through these difficulties.]
And a few days ago our traffic accident will also be used to equip us for further service.
It is a great comfort to know that nothing comes to us randomly, that every event in the lives of your children flows from your wisdom, plan, purpose and provision.
You are in the process of finishing our faith, so we can live in the joy you have for us, enduring whatever cross you bring and despising whatever shame others try to put on us (Heb. 12:2).
Help us to live in the light of this truth, that you are training our hands for the battles to come, so we can effectively join you in your great plan to end history and bring in eternity while sweeping as many as possible into your Heavenly Kingdom.]